2012 in Review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,500 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 4 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

A Colossal Mistake

Photo Credit: svpply.com

On any given rainy Sunday in New York City there is still so much to do.  To fulfill a longtime curiosity of mine I visited MoMA PS1 today after a fabulous brunch at William Hallet.   They had a performance today so I definitely headed upstairs to see what it was all about.  The performance was beautiful and the room was packed with ever-so-hip “Art Crowd.”  As I scanned the room I nodded to myself in acceptance when I saw a sea or chic scarves, stylish rain boots, and…wait…


Was this guy serious?  I thought those were banned after the 80’s.  To me, leather pants on a man at any age equals so wrong.  I do not care if you are a biker, going through a midlife crisis, into that kinky S&M look, one of The Village People or auditioning for the Rocky Horror Picture show; leather pants really rub me the wrong way. (No pun intended).  It is a total mis-use of the material.  Leather pants on men are always either too baggy or too tight.  Leather is the kind of material that does not look right when worn baggy. And if you wear it too tight, well it is just that.  We don’t make shirts out of burlap or shorts out of sandpaper because it would be a colossal mistake…just like leather pants.  When I see the catastrophe that is leather pants on a guy, my mind always reverts back to the infamous episode of FRIENDS (season 5, episode 11) when David Schwimmer’s character Ross Gellar makes a total fool of himself while wearing leather pants for the first time ever on a first date.  One of the themes of my blog is “No Fear”, however I do not think wearing leather pants is fearless it is just foolish.  When it comes to leather, unless you have the cool factor of Jim Morrison or the nerve of Marilyn Manson, stick to wallets, belts, shoes, and for some of you jackets.

Quick Aside: Leather is a lot like pure vanilla extract.  Very creamy, splendid aroma, but if you add too much you will ruin the batter.  Don’t do it Edward Scissorhands!