2012 in Review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,500 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 4 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Carte Blanche

Photo Credit: http://www.ehow.com

On any given day I’ll walk by a dozen gyms/yoga studios/fitness centers and the like.  Of course I always promise myself that one day I am going to be one of those people avidly working out day after day.  But alas, I am more the “order take-out and bitch about being out of shape” kind.  Although I do get myself to a yoga class every now and again, I don’t work out nearly as much as I should.  But there was a time in my life when I did.  Where is this rambling going?  Where else, but the topic of…


In late September a reader, “Shirtless in the City” asked me about this very topic in response to my post about which clothes need to be retired and when.  He said he creates a gym pile for clothes that are no longer suitable for outings and/or work.  I will almost always say that when it comes to clothing you get what you pay for so spend your money wisely.  On the contrary however, when it comes to work out attire you don’t have to break the bank.  Just make sure you are comfortable and wearing breathable material.  But of course try to wear something that accentuates your best body features. When it’s time to sweat you still need to be cautious.  It is ok to wear and older T-shirt and a pair of worn sweats or shorts.  However, in terms of gym clothes; holes, rips, stains, and wrinkles need not apply.  Just because you are at the gym and getting sweaty does not give you carte blanche to look like hell.  And let’s be honest, what kind of people go to the gym?  Usually young, fit, sexy, tan people, (the fat pieces of crap are at home on the couch just thinking about how they wish they had the discipline to work out).  So you never know who you might meet.  You wouldn’t want to unexpectedly run into your boss or a crush looking unkept or dare I say gauche.

Quick Aside:  Please don’t wear spandex pants unless you are a runner, a cyclist or have a body that could be seen on the cover of Men’s Fitness

A Hot Mess

Photo Credit: Lisa Romerein/Getty Images

We are officially two days away from fall.  As I was never a big fan of the hot and sticky New York City summers I welcome the transition.  It is during this time of year that many people start stowing away their bathing suits and sandals and begin to take out the bulky sweaters and heavier jackets. Usually during this conversion of seasons and wardrobe we take inventory of our attire.  Amongst all of life’s difficult choices we need to decide which pieces stay and which go.  Anyone who lives in a minuscule studio apartment with limited closet space like me knows that a lot has to go.  Tough decisions must be made and as I already touched on in a previous post, sentimental value is powerful.  I’ll make it easy for you, what needs to go is any article that is…

RIPPED (not in a trendy way)






I’ve heard a million times, “I love these pants even though they have a hole,” or “This is my favorite shirt but it has a stain on it.”  My reader Sleepless in Astoria mentioned a dislike for wrinkled or stained undershirts while commenting on “Underwear or Outerwear” SIA’s exact remark was “Ewww” I couldn’t have said it better myself.  If you have an article of clothing that has a stain that can’t be beaten, a hole that can’t be mended, or has been through one too many spin cycles, then it is time to say good bye.  And I do not care if you wear something all the time, if your clothes are a hot mess that is exactly what  you will look like wearing them.  Now we all have things that maybe we know we won’t wear again but we want to keep for sentiment’s sake.  Most men do not have too many articles of clothing like this but in case you do, decide what is important and put it in the memory box.  Never wear your sentimental clothing again.  My reader Islander505 asked via a comment to a previous post about his 1986 Super Bowl sweatshirt.  I went back and forth about this comment, but in the end I decided as long as it is in good condition and you look good wearing it then rock on!  But the second it becomes tarnished in any way it goes.  One of my college writing professors said that sometimes when there are ideas you are trying to make work but cannot figure out how, you need to kill your darlings.  The same holds true for articles of clothing.  I know it sounds odd but when you need to make room and stop dressing like you buy your clothes at the five and dime; kill your darlings.