2012 in Review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,500 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 4 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Keep it Clean

There’s nothing like a good sex shop. I’ve been to my fair share over the years and today I combined two of my favorite things and found myself at The Museum of Sex on lower 5th Avenue in Manhattan. The Museum itself is informative and entertaining. Of course one of the best parts is the gift shop. While perusing the store my eyes feasted on an array of items such as dirty Mad Libs, vibrators, condom lollipops and books on the history of pornography. As I arrived at the clothing section I began to think about…


Don’t get me wrong here, during my undergraduate and graduate school days I certainly wrote several papers on first amendment rights as well as my disagreement with censorship. I believe that all people have the right to express themselves. However, while no one should be told what they can and can not wear by law we all need to exercise a little discretion now and then. People who know me will say that I wear my make up like a transvestite, curse like a sailor and have done all kinds of things that have been deemed “out of line.” But I make a point not to wear my bad habits. Even so, I do not believe that anyone should wear clothing with vulgar, obscene or overly sexual images on them. I have seen a lot of this in my day and feel it is quite gauche. You never know if there are kids around who can see you, if you are about to run into your boss or worse; your crush. Not to mention you might really upset or offend someone. Oftentimes I see teenagers with t-shirts that have crude language on them and I want to approach them and ask how their parents let them go out of the house that way. Take it from me; you will never make a good impression (first or otherwise) wearing something with crude and/or inappropriate imagery or text on it. So next time you are browsing in Hot Topic or another alternative type store, stop yourself from reaching for a shirt that says, “10 cent Mustache Rides”, “I Fu**ed a Midget, “Proud Necrophiliac” or anything similar with a distasteful design. When it comes to the topics discussed/illustrated on your clothing, do yourself a favor and keep it clean.

One or the Other

Photo Credit: PhotoBucket.com by aisfashionstudents

As we wind down the hazy, hot, and humid days of summer, I look back on all the good times and all the foolish fashion choices.  With much dismay I shake my head and am amazed every time I see a guy wearing…


Really spicy olives are my guilty pleasure and on a hot summer night I enjoy a scoop or two of pistachio ice cream.  I love socks and I love sandals but olives and ice cream belong together just as much as socks and sandals.   For those of you reading who are actively making this mistake, please cease doing so immediately, it’s not too late.  One of my ex boyfriends hated showing his feet in public, even on the hottest days he refused to wear sandals.  Looking back now, I applaud him for being wise enough to know better than to wear socks with sandals.  And truth be told, some girls are not into guys exposing their feet.  I never understood why, but I have heard this from many women.

For a quick recap/math lesson: Socks + Sandals = never ever allowed.  It is one or the other folks.  If you are going to wear socks, you are going to wear closed toe shoes.  If you want to wear comfortable summer shoes but are afraid of a chill, invest in a nice pair of boat shoes or loafers from ALDO or Banana Republic.   Trust me they are, as one of my wisest and best dressed male friends often says, “Worth every penny.”

Quick Aside:  If you are someone who thinks that wearing socks with sandals during the colder months makes up for the fact that you are wearing sandals during the wrong season, well, you may be beyond help.